Sing Me The Song
   Dm Dm (C#)
Bits and pieces, lying on the ground;
   C C (B)
Life drifting by, composing sound.
   Dm Dm (C#)
Time passes slowly, then skips ahead;
   C Dm (C#)
Once things were forming, now have gone instead.

      Bb F
    Too late to change, too soon to die;
      G A
    Now that I know, too late to try.
     Bb C Dm A
    Need it today, I don't have long;
     Bb C Dm A
    Must be a way, to sing me the song.

  Dm Dm (C#)
One sweet moment, our lives began;
  C C (B)
The future beckoned, unearthed a plan.
  Dm Dm (C#)
Unfiltered progress, wavering drive;
  C C (B)
Misguided ventures, wasted lives.

Br- (verse)


100 b/m 9/18/20
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